The Woods

The woods at Frog Level are typical of the Appalachians with a mixture of
hardwood and evergreen trees and clear, cool streams.  The woods change
with the seasons and change from year to year as trees sprout and die and
storms rearrange the creek.  This page collects some views, past and present,
in our woods.

Click on any picture to see a larger version.
Copyright 2006, 2009 James W. Wiggins.  All rights reserved.
Header image:  A peonie from
Joan's flower bed
A cold spell, February 2007
The stream freezes over when the temperature stays below about
20 for several days.  Click on a picture to see a larger version.
Flowers:  Wild and Cultivated
Around the Creek
An ornamental maple planted
by the people who had a
vacation home here in from the
1930s to the 1980s.
The creek in high summer.
Assorted wildlife
A large turtle wanders through the
backyard. My hat is 15" across.
Gardening, 2009